
Travelex currency converter


The Travelex Travel Hub

Frequently asked questions

  • Is there a good time to convert currency?

    You can’t predict when exchange rates will go up or down, but our currency converter above will show you historical rates, to give you an idea of how the current conversion rate compares to the past few months or year. 

  • How do I convert my money?

    You can convert your dollars into over 45 currencies with Travelex, either online or at 120 stores across Australia. Got another question? Check out the rest of our FAQs.

  • How do you convert currencies?

    You can convert one currency into another using an exchange rate. For example, a money exchange rate of two Australian dollars to one British pound means that you could convert two Australian dollars into one British pound – or one pound into two Australian dollars. Pretty simple! In reality, you’ll get a slightly different exchange rate depending on whether you’re buying or selling a currency. To get to grips with the different kinds of exchange rate you might hear about, see our Currency Jargon section.

  • Why do different companies convert currencies at different rates?

    A company providing foreign currency needs to cover all of the costs that come from supplying people with currency. The cost of supplying foreign currency online is usually less compared to a physical retail store, so you’ll usually get a better rate online.
    If you leave exchanging money to the last minute before you depart, you’ll probably end up paying a little bit more, due to the costs involved in providing you this service, so it makes sense to plan ahead.