Help & FAQ

Help Guide

Travelex offers 24/7 online assistance for all your money transfer needs via chatbot, live chat, email support and FAQ.

  • Chatbot


    For quick help from our automated chatbot:

    1. 1. Log in to your International Money Transfer account
    2. 2. Open the Ask Adam chat window in bottom right corner
    3. 3. Select a topic that relates most to your enquiry to receive an automated answer

    If the answer is not what you’re looking for, see live chat steps below


    For quick help from our automated chatbot:

    1. 1. Log in to your International Money Transfer account
    2. 2. Tap the profile icon in the bottom right corner, choose support and then Chat With Us
    3. 3. Select a topic that relates most to your enquiry to receive an automated answer

    If the answer is not what you’re looking for, see live chat steps below

  • Live Chat


    To chat with a live agent:

    1. 1. Log in to your International Money Transfer account
    2. 2. Open the Ask Adam chat window in bottom right corner
    3. 3. Simply type in the word 'agent'
    4. 4. A representative will then be able to assist you on your money transfer enquiry


    To chat with a live agent:

    1. 1. Log in to your International Money Transfer account
    2. 2. Tap the profile icon in the bottom right corner, choose support and then Chat With Us
    3. 3. Simply type in the word 'agent'
    4. 4. A representative will then be able to assist you on your money transfer enquiry

  • Email Support


    Our support inbox will happily assist you with all money transfer enquiries such as:

    • • Account issues
    • • Payment/Receiving methods
    • • Other general questions


    To email the support inbox:

    1. 1. Log in to your International Money Transfer account
    2. 2. Tap the profile icon in the bottom right corner
    3. 3. Choose 'Support' and then 'Email Us'

    A representative will reply to your enquiry within 24-48 hours

  • FAQ (this page)


    All frequently asked questions are located on this page.

    You can select a category on the menu.


    To access this page from your mobile:

    1. 1. Log in to your International Money Transfer account
    2. 2. Tap the profile icon in the bottom right corner
    3. 3. Choose 'Support' and then 'FAQ'
    4. You’ll be taken to this page.

Travelex International Money Transfer Disclaimer & Additional Information

The Travelex International Money Transfer remittance service is provided by NIUM Japan Kabushiki Kaisha, a registered legal entity and remittance provider. NIUM Japan Kabushiki Kaisha holds Registration No: 00073 with Kanto Local Finance Bureau and is a Type 2 Funds Transfer Services Provider under the Payment Services Act (Act No. 59 of 2009).
Rates are subject to change without notice. Terms & conditions apply. Note, further fees, taxes may apply and will vary by bank, location and other factors. Certain Banks may deduct a fee from your transfer amount before depositing the funds into your beneficiary bank account.
The information in this webpage is provided for general purposes only and is not considered financial advice and should not be relied upon as such.
Consumers should consider seeking independent legal, financial, taxation or other advice and consider their own financial circumstances and choose the most suitable service for their needs.

Travelex Privacy Policy

The Remittance Services are serviced by NIUM Japan Kabushiki Kaisha a registered company in Japan | Terms & Conditions | Privacy Notice | Terms of Use